Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hi guys!  Thanks for hanging in there with me while I've been less than attentive to you all.  I've had some requests for a Lauren/Alex post.  I really, really want to write one.  Unfortunately, life is off the wall right now.  If I can get in the right headspace to write a good post this weekend, I will.  But I don't want to turn out a shitty post just because, so I make no promises.  I'm sorry!  I miss writing and doing the perspectives but I can't commit to any for the foreseeable future.  Please be patient, and I promise they'll be back (regularly) some day!

I woke up before Brody's alarm went off on Thursday.  I squinted at the clock and saw we had over an hour before we had to get up.  I considered going back to sleep, but changed my mind.  Brody was sleeping on his side, turned away from me.  I pressed myself against his back and slid my hand across his hip.  He stirred and began to stiffen beneath my fingers when I wrapped my hand around him and stroked him gently.  He rolled over onto his back, eyes still closed, and one hand found my shoulder and pulled the strap of my tank top down.  I paused in my ministrations to pull my top off, then returned my hand to him, now completely hard.

"This is the best goddamn alarm clock I've ever had," he joked, finally opening his eyes.  His fingers slipped back up my arm before moving to my breast.  I quickly wiggled out of my pants and straddled him, sliding down onto him.  He groaned and grabbed my hips as I moved on top of him.  I leaned back and planted my hands on his thighs and he slid one hand up my stomach to my breast as I moved faster.  The other quickly found its way between my legs and I gasped and quickly came.  Not long after, Brody groaned and pulled my hips down hard against his as he finished too.  I stayed put for a second, catching my breath, then rolled off and laid down next to him.

He wrapped an arm around me and pressed his face into my hair.  "That was a hell of a way to wake up," he said softly.  "We even have time to go back to sleep for awhile." 

"That was my plan," I replied, yawning. We dozed until Brody's alarm went off, then I got up and got in the shower.  Brody was sleeping again when I came out of the bathroom and I woke him up to go shower.  We got ready quickly and quietly.  We were both obviously still tired.

"We have time, do you want to stop and pick up some breakfast and coffee?" Brody asked, when I finished throwing my things back in my bad.  I nodded sleepily.  He had perked up considerably, but I was still groggy.

We stopped and grabbed breakfast sandwiches and coffee before Brody dropped me off at work.  I leaned over and kissed him before I said goodbye and got out.  I was yawning in my office when I became aware of someone in the doorway.  I looked up from the contact note I was working on and saw Josh leaning against the doorframe.

He raised an eyebrow as I took a drink of my large coffee.  "Late night?" he quipped, smirking at me.

"Good morning, Josh," I replied, ignoring his remark.  "How are you?"

"Fine," he said, still smirking.  "So, what does the boyfriend do that he was away?"

"He owns a PR company," I said.  I was trying to be pleasant but I really wanted to be left alone so I could get my work done in peace.

"Corporate stuff?  Social media and shit?"

"No, their clients are mostly professional athletes, they--" 

"Wait," Josh interrupted.  "Is your boyfriend Brody Adler?"

I blinked in surprise.  "Yeah, you're familiar with the company?" I asked, confused.

"My brother in law works there.  Neil Procter."

"Oh, small world," I said.  "So you've probably heard a few things, I guess."

"Only good stuff, actually.  Neil thinks your boyfriend walks on water.  I can't imagine having a boss I liked that much.  The worst I've heard is that he's sometimes a little controlling."  I laughed.  "You agree, huh? Control issues?" he asked, and the smirk was back.

That irritated me.  "Only at work," I replied shortly.  

"I guess when you have your own company, that's kind of what you have to do though," he mused.  "And it sounds like that company is the most important thing in the world to him."  He gave me a long, pointed look when he said that, and irritation stabbed me in the gut.  Then he smiled and said, "Well, I'll let you get some work done, see you later!"

As much as I tried to not let him get to me, I couldn't help but dwell on his last words.  Josh didn't know anything about our relationship, but I couldn't help the insecurity that arose when I thought about the idea that his company might be the most important thing in the world to him.

I pushed it out of my head and focused on work.  Around 4, Brody called me.   "So, I hate to do this after I was just gone," he said after I had answered, "but I'm not feeling well, and I think I'm going to go home early and try to get some more sleep.  So I obviously won't be at happy hour."

"That sucks, do you need anything?" I asked.

"Just sleep, I think," he replied.  "Can I see you tomorrow?"

"Of course," I said.  "Let me know if you need anything.  I hope you're just super tired and you feel better after you catch up on some sleep."

"Thanks, Liv, me too.  I'll see you tomorrow, I love you."

"Love you too, bye." I replied.  As much as I wanted to see him, I wasn't feeling happy hour either, so I wasn't too disappointed.  After work, I went home in a crabby  mood.  I rolled my eyes when I saw Kinsley's car outside.  I just wanted to go sit in my room and be crabby by myself.  Hopefully she and Lauren wouldn't expect me to be too social.

"Hey," I greeted them, as I walked inside.

"Hi!" Kinsley said brightly. 

Lauren was a little more perceptive and immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

I sighed, flopping down on the couch next to Kinsley.  "Nothing, I'm just in a bad mood."  Lauren looked at me skeptically, prodding me with her eyes.  I stared her down for about 30 seconds before caving.  "Fine, my coworker said something stupid and I let it get under my skin and now I'm obsessing about it.  Happy?"

"Nope, tell us more," Kinsley coaxed me.

So I explained what happened with Josh the day before, and Brody's observations.  Lauren broke in, "You really are clueless about guys, aren't you?"  I rolled my eyes and kept talking, telling them about what Josh said that day about Brody's company being "the most important thing in the world to him."

"Don't be ridiculous," Lauren said matter-of-factly.  "Of course his company is the most important thing in the world to him.  It should be.  He's sacrificed a lot and put everything into it.  I'd be surprised if it wasn't."

"You suck at this, you know that?" I snapped irritability.

"You really do," Kinsley agreed.  She turned to me.  "Okay, let's pretend for a second that Lauren has tact and empathy and that she didn't just say that.  I think we all can agree that Brody's company is one of the most important things in the world to him, right?"  I nodded.  "But you have to consider that he made major changes to his work habits when they were upsetting you and cutting down on your time together."  She paused, waiting for me to roll this over in my head.  I agreed.  "So he clearly values you and your relationship and it doesn't matter what's more important because he's making time for you.  And I think a case could be made that he thinks you're more important, otherwise he wouldn't have made the changes he made."

"True," Lauren agreed, but she quickly qualified with, "But you probably shouldn't ask him about it, because that will put him in a really awkward position and you will be devastated if he doesn't give you the right answer."

"Well, come on, give me a little credit.  I wasn't planning on asking him if he thinks his company is more important than me," I protested.  "I know I'm important to him, and I'm well aware of the changes he's made. I was just planning to brood over it tonight and probably be over it by tomorrow morning.  I honestly don't even know why what Josh said got to me so much.  Brody's been really great lately with work stuff."  I swear, Lauren can be super sympathetic and supportive, but sometimes she is abrasive and expects the worst of me.

Kinsley squeezed my hand and said, "Lauren knows that, she's just being extra asshole-ish today."  Lauren threw a throw pillow at Kinsley.  

"So, is no one doing happy hour today?" I asked, changing the subject while I could.

"Alex and Christian and Kendra might be," Kinsley said with a shrug, "but we weren't feeling very social.  Where's Brody?"  I told them that he went home from work not feeling well.

"Want to order pizza or something?" Lauren asked.

I groaned.  "I feel like all we do is order food or go out.  I'd rather make something."

After a quick survey of fridge and cabinets, we were all in the kitchen making spaghetti, meatballs, salad, and garlic bread.  It was super simple but way more fun with all three of us cooking.  I already felt like I was out of my funk from the day and was glad Kinsley had been here.  I don't think I could have abided Lauren's attitude without Kinsley there to even it out with her empathy. 

After Kinsley had left, Lauren turned to me.  "You know, I realize that maybe I should have asked before I invited Kinsley over.  I'm sorry, I've got to get used to living in someone else's space."

I shook my head.  "Don't be ridiculous.  This is your house too, you're paying half the rent.  Having Kinsley over is fine.  I'd only expect a heads up if you were going to invite a bunch of people over.  Or Savannah."  We both laughed at that.  "And even then, you don't have to ask, just let me know so I'm prepared and can go elsewhere if I don't feel like being around a bunch of people.  I'll do the same for you, obviously."

"Okay, cool," Lauren said, smiling. 

"Hey Laur?" I asked after a pause.  She raised an eyebrow at me.  "Is everything okay?  With you?  And with you and Alex?  You've seemed a"

She frowned and sighed.  "Yeah, you're right.  I mean, everything is fine.  It's really just been an adjustment living with someone, you know?  I've only been here a few days and I already feel like I desperately need some time to myself.  Don't get me wrong, I love you and I'm grateful to be here but it's a big change from living alone for so long."

"Oh, trust me, I get it.  It's an adjustment for me too.  But if you ever need some space, just let me know and I'll head out to Brody's house, okay?"

"Okay, I will," she said with a grin.  "And look, the last thing I want to do is blow our friendship over living together for awhile, so I really do want you to tell me if I do something that pisses you off, okay?"

"I promise I will," I swore.  "But now, I'm going to bed.  I need to make today go away.  Thanks for the reality check earlier, even if you were a little...harsh about it.  I needed it."

"You know I'll always do that for you," Lauren said, laughing.  "That's a guarantee."


  1. You're the most consistent blogger there is- it's really appreciated especially when everyone else is going MIA! I love your blog, you're doing an amazing job with it! Hope life calms down a bit and don't stress too much- you've got lots of loyal fans :)

  2. Knew this was going to happen with Josh. What a skeez. lol Hopefully Liv nips that situation in the bud or I foresee manyyyyy problems in the future. haha
