Thursday, April 23, 2015


Thank you, as usual, for being understanding and patient while my life got in the way.  I've said it before, but I'm pretty sure I have the best readers on the entire internet.

When I opened my door for the movers, I found myself face to face with Josh.  He looked just as surprised to see me as I was to see him.  "What are you doing here?" I snapped, far more irritated that I should have been.  Moving had me on edge.

He shrugged.  "I worked for this company while I was going to school, and I fill in every once in awhile now to help out and for a little extra cash.  This move was scheduled a little last minute," he gave me a pointed look as he said that, "So they called me to help.  I didn't know it was you, though."

The other guy with him looked bored and a little irritated by our exchange.  I sighed and moved out of the way, motioning for them both to come in.  I quickly showed them what was coming and what was staying, then Josh handed me some paperwork.  As I looked it over and signed he said, "This is a pretty nice place.  Why are you moving?"

I fought the urge to glare at him and instead arranged my face into what I hoped was a perfectly calm expression.  "I'm moving in with Brody."

His familiar smirk spread across his face.  "Of course you are," he said.  "Speaking of the PR puppet master, where is he?"

This time I didn't bother fighting my face's natural instincts and rolled my eyes.  "He's traveling for work.  Neil was on call, but apparently his mother is sick, so Brody took a call for him."

"Oh, yeah.  His mom isn't doing well at all.  Well, I guess it's nice that he was able to do that, even if it means he's not here while you move into his house."  His smirk was back by the time he finished speaking and I just handed him back the paperwork and gave him a "get to work" look.  His partner looked even more irritated now.  This was going to be a great time.

I got out of the way while they hauled my furniture and the rest of my boxes out.  They were surprisingly quick.  It looked so empty by the time they had everything out.  Lauren's movers were moving her furniture from her storage unit on Monday, and she was planning to stay with Alex until then.  So until then, my former house would be sadly empty.

Josh and his partner confirmed Brody's address and then set off.  I met them there and directed them where to put the furniture and boxes and the whole process was done within 2 hours.  "So," Josh said as I was writing them a check.  "I take back what I said about your old place being pretty nice.  This house is ridiculous."

"It's pretty awesome," I agreed.

"Must be nice to be able to live in a place like this rent-free."  I looked up in surprise at the hint of snideness in his tone.

I took a deep breath to give myself a chance to collect myself before I responded.  "I don't think our bill paying arrangements are any of your business, Josh."

He snorted.  "I know what you make, since it's probably pretty close to what I make.  And I can guess that Brody isn't even in the same tax bracket as you.  Or the next one up, for the matter.  Probably not even the one after that.  I know you're not paying the mortgage."

I gritted my teeth and handed him the check I had just written.  "That's a really bold and inappropriate thing to say."  I took a step towards the door, hoping he'd get the hint.  His partner was waiting for him in their truck already.  He stood without moving for several seconds.  It was long enough to send a really clear message that he didn't give a shit what I wanted him to do.  Then he smirked again and headed for the door.

"Well, it was good to see you," he said cheerfully.  I didn't respond, aside from a sigh of relief when he closed the door firmly behind him.

I grabbed my purse off the kitchen counter and fished my phone out.  I planned to call Brody, but saw I had a missed call.  When I discovered it was from James, I sat down and called him back.

"I talked to Cassie," he answered without greeting.

"Hi, James," I replied.  "That's...good?"

"I guess.  I had to do a little work, but I found her parents' information and called their landline.  She's there.  She's working.  She's planning to stay for awhile.  She wouldn't say much more outside that, besides that she's okay and she was sorry that she left so quickly."

"I'm glad she's okay," I said sincerely.  "How are you?"

"I'm fine," he replied.  "I mean, it's not like I keep getting abruptly abandoned or...oh wait."  I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Bitches," I said, laughing.

"Something like that," he responded, chuckling.  We chatted for a few more minutes and then hung up.  I sent Brody a text letting him know that everything was all moved, then I plopped down on the couch.  I thought about doing some unpacking, then decided against it.  Instead, I called Lauren.

"Miss me already?" she asked.

"I do.  I feel so far away," I replied truthfully.  "What are you doing?  Do you want to come hang out with me?"  We decided I'd come back into town in awhile (going back and forth might get annoying, I decided) and we'd go out to dinner.  I showered and got ready, and while I was doing my hair, my phone rang.  It was Brody and I answered happily--I hadn't talked to him since I dropped him off at the airport, besides a text to tell me he'd made it safely.

"Hi," I said.  "I miss you."

"I haven't been gone for that long," he said, laughing.

"I know, but now I'm in this big house by myself."  I filled him in on the weird events of the day, starting with Josh being one of the movers.

"So that asshole knows where we live?" Brody asked.

I shrugged, even though he couldn't see me.  "I can think of worse people that could know where we live.  I'm just really irritated by his comments."

"Well I don't trust him," Brody said.  This seemed like a strange sentiment to have, but he had been a little paranoid since everything with Cassie.  I didn't respond at first, and he continued, "I just haven't heard the best things about him from Neil."

I still thought he was overreacting, but didn't want to get into it.  "Do you know when you'll be back?" I asked.

"Should be tomorrow," he replied.  "I'm excited to come home, now that you officially live there."  We chatted for a few minutes and then I hung up so I could finish getting ready to go meet Lauren.

Lauren was already at the restaurant we'd decided to meet at when I got there, and I quickly made my way over to the table and sat down.  "Hi," I greeted her.

"Hi, Kendra's coming too, I hope that's okay," she replied cheerfully.

"Yes!" I said.  "I'm glad, I feel like I haven't seen her in forever."  Kendra arrived about 10 minutes later and we ordered drinks and appetizers to share.

"Sorry I'm late," Kendra apologized.  Then she turned to me.  "How was the move?"

"Fine," I replied.  "I didn't do much but direct the movers.  That makes it pretty easy!"  I filled them in on Josh's random appearance and my phone call from James.

"So now what?" Lauren asked.

I frowned.  "What do you mean?"

"Well isn't it all a little weird?  She accuses Brody of being up to shady shit, insists that you listen to her, disappears in the middle of the night, and tries to go off the grid--forgetting, of course, that the guy she was dating pretty much finds people for a living?  Don't tell me you're not dying to know what's really going on."

"I don't know," I said with a shrug.  "I'm a little curious, but I really just want to move on and forget about it all."

Lauren gave me a look that was one part condescending and three parts exasperated.  "Something is going on," she stated, speaking slowly.  "And I think you should be curious at the very least."

I glared back at her.  Kendra was quietly sipping her drink, pretending to be invisible.  "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot about how I asked you to tell me how to run my life."

"You know--" Kendra started, but Lauren was too quick.

"Liv," she interrupted, and now the look she was giving me was sympathetic.  "I know it's hard to imagine Brody doing anything unscrupulous, but I'm concerned that you're not more worked up about how strange everything is."

I blinked in surprise.  "What, exactly, are you saying?" I snapped.

"Seriously, guys--" Kendra tried again.

"I'm saying," Lauren broke in, "that I think you're being naive."

Now I'd had enough.  "Oh, do you?" I replied flippantly.  "You know, the last few months have been hard enough, between Lynn's accident, Brody's dad showing up and then disappearing, and then his death.  Now I'm trying to just move on past something else that could have been a big deal but doesn't really have to be, and you can't just let me go and do it.  So you think I'm being naive.  Great!  I don't care.  Maybe I am being naive, but right now that's what I need.  So if you can't shut the hell up about this, I'm leaving."  I leveled a challenging look at her, waiting for her response.

She returned my gaze.  I could tell she was a little surprised by my response.  I didn't often choose to go head to head with Lauren, as she generally won those contests through sheer force of will.  "Okay," she said finally.  "I'll shut the hell up about it."  I noted that she didn't apologize.

We continued to glare at each other for several seconds until Kendra said, "So...not pregnant yet.  Still trying, though!"  We both turned and looked at her.  She smiled.  Kendra the peacekeeper.

We chatted until our food came, though Lauren and I avoided directly speaking to each other if we could help it.  When we were done eating, Kendra said, "Do you guys want to go get a drink somewhere?  Or even come over and hang out?"

"I'm sorry, I should really get back and do some unpacking," I said apologetically, avoiding Lauren's gaze.

"Unpacking is the worst," Kendra replied sympathetically.  "Give me a call if you want some help tomorrow."

"Thanks!" I said cheerfully.  I said goodbye to both of them and left before Lauren could say anything else.  I sighed as I got in the car.  Lauren had a point--clearly something was not right, at least with Cassie.  But I really just didn't want to think about it.  Everything had been so hard and stressful lately and I just wanted something to go right.  I pushed the thought out of my mind and headed for home.


  1. Oh I detest Josh! He reminds me of too many men I worked with while in grad school;how are they successful counselors?

  2. Pleeeeease don't make Brody shady!

  3. Ugh. I want this resolved. Isn't Lauren dating Alex (Brody's best friend)? Does Alex think Brody is shady? Was Lauren inferring that Brody did something to make Cassie move? This whole thing is dragging on...I'd like some answers ;) haha!

  4. I am so mad at the Lauren character. Why is she trying to build up Liv's insecurities like that? And she is Brody's friend, too. Lauren knew him even before Liv and it feels like she is turning on him. Why is she being so damned unsupportive of both of them?? Weird, and worse so because it follows so hard on the heels of Cassie going postal like that. I will say I would be deeply disappointed if this blog turns a 180 and Brody is shady (it would wreck it for me--not overstating this.)

    I am also creeped out that Josh knows where Olivia's new place is. It's as if the shadows were closing in on her and Brody. I totally get her wish for normalcy. Olivia finally starts getting over Jordan, she and Brody finally get Savannah out of their lives and wind up the mess Brody's dad left and now their friends are all freaking out on them. Can we have a little quiet time?

  5. What's Josh's story again? Did he work with her? His in-law or something works with Brody? I can't remember!!! Help!

    1. Yes, Josh works with Liv. Neil, his brother-in-law, is one of Brody's "go to" guys.

  6. I agree with Lauren. Not saying Brody is shady but obviously something is up. She and Cassie were supposed to be friends. Shouldn't Liv have some concerns? Surely Cassie wouldn't say something if she didn't have a basis for it. It doesn't have to be that Brody is shady it could've been a misunderstanding.
