Saturday, July 4, 2015

Author's Note

Hey guys.  Work has been kicking my ass these last couple weeks (hence why I am posting at 10:30 pm on July 4th instead of enjoying some festivities).  Unfortunately, that means there won't be a Sunday post this week.  I'm going to try to post at least once this week, but I have no idea when it will be.  I'm going to aim for mid-week.  Regular posting will resume Sunday, July 12.  Thank you all for being understanding of my erratic posting "schedule"!

Happy 4th to my American readers, and happy belated Canada Day to my Canadian readers!


  1. Oh! Not fun for you!! I'm always so curious, what do you do for work in the real world? Not sure you feel comfortable sharing personal information. Either way, I hope you survive the craziness and get a some rest and a little fun in the mix!

    1. Fair question! I'm in a management positions at a human services agency. That's about all I'm comfortable with saying! I did get some rest and a little fun, so it wasn't a wasted weekend at least :)

  2. Ah man!!! I recently found this blog, started at the beginning and read every chance I could. I don't know how I am going to be able to wait a day or two for new posts. �� Love this blog!!! I love Brody and Liv and how there is no drama to rip them apart. The different character perspectives are fabulous. And now I wait for the next post...

    1. Thank you! I love hearing from new readers. I'm glad you're enjoying it, I hope to have a new post up soon.

  3. Keep yourself sane lady! We can all.wait :)

    1. Thanks, I'm doing my best, but sometimes sanity is elusive, haha.

  4. Totally feel your pain! This is my busy season at work so I feel like a hot mess lately. LOL! Goodluck!! :)

  5. My name is mum and I need to get a life. I keep checking back hoping for a post. It's not like I'm not busy at work or anything. Jeesh!! mum

  6. I can't live without you, I can't live without you!
