Saturday, July 18, 2015

Author's Note

Good news!  At least, I hope it's good news--I know I'm excited!  I'm going to be bringing back the alternative character Friday posts.  I'm going to do it a little differently than when I originally introduced it (so long ago!), and I'll be following one character at a time as they parallel Liv and Brody's storyline.  As more and more exciting things happen in Liv and Brody's story, it's getting harder to give the supporting cast the attention they deserve.  I've spent too much time making you guys fall in love with them to be neglecting them now.  Don't worry, they certainly won't be disappearing from the main storyline, but I'll be able to more thoroughly follow through on the side plots without creating a jumble of intersecting plots that don't get properly explored or wrapped up in the main posts.

You can expect a main storyline post Sunday night and one mid-week sometime, and then the next Kinsley post on Friday.  As you might have guessed, it's going to be The Kinsley Show for at least a few weeks.  I'm still not quite ready to commit to three set dates of posting, but you will always get a Sunday post, a Friday post, and I will do my damnedest to get you a post in between as well.

I hope you enjoy this little experiment.  As always, I welcome your thoughts, requests, and feedback as I explore this idea!  I am seriously loving all the thoughtful and amazing comments on the last post.  Thank you all for being the best readers out there!


  1. Yes so exciting!!! Seriously you amaze me with your ability to flip your writers switch to capture the different chatacters :)

  2. Yahoo! I'm excited!

  3. Yay! I'm excited too! I obviously love Liv and Brody but I also like learning about the others too. So since we got a bonus post yesterday will we still get a post tonight too? (Sunday) Please say yes lol

    1. Yes! I'm working on it right now. Trying to get it finished up so I can do something that's actually productive with my weekend, haha. I'll post it as soon as it's complete.
