Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Author's note: Back on Friday, and questions answered!

Hey guys!  I'm so so so glad that you all loved the conclusion to Liv and Brody's story so much.  Thank you for all your sweet comments, they mean so much to me.  I know I keep saying it, but you all make it so easy to write great stuff for you.  I could sit here and pretend that I write this blog completely selflessly so I can entertain the internet, but let's be real: I write it to entertain the internet and also to hear good things about my writing.  I'd be lying if I said I didn't love every single comment.  So thank you for taking the time to read and write a quick note with your thoughts.

Anyway, I've been a writing machine the past couple weeks (and a procrastination machine, ha) and I have enough posts stashed away that I feel comfortable returning on Friday!  So on Friday, expect a Lauren post, then Monday will be a Kinsley post.  I'm going to give it a shot alternating their posts with Lauren on Mondays and Kinsley on Fridays, but if you guys are finding it hard to follow the two separate stories at once like that, let me know because I'm totally open to changing how I do it.

Also, there were a few questions posted in the comments of the last couple posts, and I wanted to take a second to answer them.

"For the other stories, are we going back in time or will everything continue in the future?"
The Lauren and Kinsley posts will largely be present-based.  One of the Kinsley posts has a chunk that is basically memories from when she was younger, but the rest of the post is present.  I'll do backstory posts if I need to explain anything that way.  

And I'm still curious what happened to brodys dad. There wasn't really an aftermath of his death for Brody (only selling the company and cleaning the house)."
I don't have a good answer for you!  It's a mystery ;)  One of the reasons Brody's dad got into all the crap he did was because he had some nasty gambling debts.  Therefore, the assumption is he pissed off the wrong people.  

Annnnd I'm missing one that I know I saw.  I can't find it, so maybe I'm imagining it... I will fully admit that in getting to the wedding, there may very well be a few loose ends that didn't get satisfactorily tied up.  If you have a burning question still, please feel free to ask.  Otherwise, see you all again on Friday!


  1. Did we ever see Liv's wedding dress and I missed it?!

    1. We did! It was in the "Wedding Barbie" post. Here is the link: People were saying the link just took them to a homepage on mobile devices, so the dress name is Flora.

  2. Wow my questions got addressed in a post :)

    1. I thought they were good ones that others might have as well!

  3. Wow my questions got addressed in a post :)

  4. Will you do any bonus posts from time to time with a Liz and Brody update?

  5. Will you do any bonus posts from time to time with a Liz and Brody update?
