Wednesday, March 18, 2015

While I was eating my lunch at work on Tuesday, I got a group text from Kinsley to me, Lauren, Cassie, and Kendra.  "I desperately need to interact with people that aren't just trying to deduct their nonexistent home office.  Dinner tonight?"  Cassie never responded, but the rest of us made plans to have dinner after work.  Then I called Brody to see what his plans for the evening were.

"I don't know," he said.  "I would love to get out of here by about 8." 

"Sounds thrilling," I joked.  "Call me when you're done?"  He agreed and I let him get back to work.

I left work excited to see Kinsley.  Tax season was eating her alive and it had been awhile.  It had also been awhile since I'd seen Kendra.   Or anyone but Lauren, Brody, or Alex.  This was definitely needed.  I was bummed Cassie wasn't coming though.  I hadn't seen much of her lately either, was I thought was weird considering she lived right next door.

Kinsley and Kendra were at the restaurant already and I hugged them after the hostess showed me to the table they'd gotten.  Kinsley looked exhausted.  It seemed like work was kicking everyone's asses lately.  Lauren arrived shortly after I did, and we ordered drinks and food.  Or, Kinsley, Lauren, and I ordered drinks.  Kendra ordered water.  Lauren eyed her speculatively. 

"I'm not pregnant, so stop looking at me like that," Kendra said, rolling her eyes. 

"Would you tell us if you were?" Kinsley asked skeptically.

"Of course I would!" Kendra replied.  "I'm not pregnant.  But...we are trying, so I'm a little paranoid."  She blushed as she spoke, and Kinsley squealed.

"I want other people to have babies so badly!" she exclaimed.  I laughed.  "What?  I love babies, but I'm definitely not ready for my own, so the obvious solution is for my friends to have babies that I can play with." 

"Fair enough!" I conceded.

"I'm not babysitting," Lauren declared.

Kendra chuckled.  "I wouldn't even dream of asking you."  Lauren looked a little indignant at that, and when she caught me smirking she kicked me under the table. 

We had a great time catching up.  I was hoping for some interesting updates on the Kinsley and Damien front, but she had been so busy that she barely had to time to see him when they were both awake.

"One more month until April 15th and the end of tax season," she reported.  "It's a Wednesday, but I think we should celebrate anyway."  We agreed that we could definitely at least do dinner and drinks.

We parted ways soon after.  Lauren was heading to the grocery store to pick up a couple things, and I told her I'd see her at home.  I had barely walked in the door when my phone rang.  It was Brody.

"Hey!" I answered cheerfully.  "You're done sooner than you thought you'd be."

"They found my dad."  His voice was flat, quiet.

"Oh...?" I replied, not sure how to respond.

He was silent for a second, then said, "I mean...they found his body.  Liv, he's dead."

"Oh my god," I said, shocked.  "Brody, I'm so sorry."  When he didn't say anything, I asked, "Where are you?  Are you still at work?"


"Can I come get you?"  I was already pulling my shoes on and looking for my keys, which I'd somehow managed to misplace in the 45 seconds I'd been in the house.  I walked upstairs to grab some clothes.  I wasn't sure if he'd want company, but at least I'd be prepared if he did.


20 minutes later I was parking my car and jabbing at the elevator button.  A security guard was waiting for me when I got to the 8th floor and let me know.  "Do you know where you're going, Miss Saffiano?" he asked me politely.  I nodded and he held the door open and let me through.

I wound my way through the hallways and pushed open the door to Brody's office.  He was standing in front of his window on the phone, with his back to me. He didn't turn around or look my way when I walked in.

"Only a week?" I heard him saying as I approached.  "So next Tuesday? ...Wednesday, okay.  I'll make it work....Of course I haven't looked at tickets yet, I've only known for a half hour."  His voice was getting more and more frustrated sounding as he talked.  "Yes, fine.  I need to go, I have things to take care of."  Without waiting for an answer, he pulled his phone away from his ear and stabbed at the screen.  He tossed it onto the couch behind him and looked at me.  "Hey," he said softly.

"Brody..." I started.  He gave me a weak smile, and I hugged him hard.  "What can I do?" I asked.

"Sit with me?" he asked.  "I need to call my mom back, and I need to find plane tickets.  We have a week to go through his personal effects before the bank brings someone in to sell off everything else and auction the house.  Apparently it was foreclosed on a month or so ago.  And I need to meet with his attorney.  And the board.  And I need to cancel the trip to San Diego, because I need to take care of this.  And--"

"Brody," I interrupted gently.  "One thing at a time.  Call your mom, book a plane ticket.  Then let me take you home."

"Okay," he replied.  I was surprised.  I was expecting some pushback.  He sat down heavily on the couch and pulled me down next to him.  I laced my fingers with his while he dialed his mom.  He talked to her for several minutes about flights and attorneys and wills.  I was overwhelmed just listening to him.  When he hung up, he looked at me.  "Want to go to Miami?" he asked, laughing bitterly.

"Do you want me to go to Miami?" I responded.

He considered this for a minute, then said, "Don't be upset, but I think I'd actually prefer if you didn't.  We just need to get this done."

"I'm not upset at all," I assured him.  "You should be with your family."

He walked to his desk and sat in front of his computer.  "I need to leave in the morning," he said, looking up at me.

"Okay," I replied.

He looked back at his computer, clicking and typing for a few minutes, then looked out the window.  I could see his resolve crumbling.  "This is a fucking nightmare," he muttered, resting his face in his hands and taking a deep, shaky breath.  I walked over to him and squeezed his shoulder.  He swiveled his chair towards me and I stood between his knees and put my arms around him.  When he pulled away, he said, "I booked flights for my mom and I out of Colorado Springs, so she doesn't have to drive up here.  I think I'll drive down tonight."

"Are you going to be okay to drive?" I asked him, concerned.

He smiled.  "I'm okay," he said.  "I'm sorry.  I'd like to spend tonight with you, but I don't think I'd be very good company anyway."

"Don't apologize," I insisted.  "Just please let me know if there's anything I can do."

"I will," he said.  "It might not seem like it, but I'm glad you came here.  So thank you.  I love you."

"I love you too," I replied, kissing him lightly.  He got his stuff together and I waited while he locked up the office and then we left together.  When we got to our cars, I said, "Please let me know when you get your mom's, and when you get to Miami too, okay?"  He assured me that he would. "And Brody--"

"I know," he interrupted.  "I'll let you know if I need anything.  Thank you, Liv."  His words were short, but he smiled at me.  He pulled me into a tight hug, resting his cheek against the top of my head for several seconds.  "I love you."

"I love you too," I responded, tightening my arms around him briefly before we broke apart.  He kissed me lightly and pulled open the door of my car for me.  I got in, and he leaned in and kissed me again before shutting my door and walking around to the driver's side of his SUV and getting in.

Lauren took one look at me when I walked in and immediately became concerned.  "Liv?  What's wrong?  Where were you?"

I dropped my purse on the end table and plopped down heavily onto the couch.  I kicked my shoes off and gave them a half-hearted nudge towards the entry area.  "Brody's dad is dead," I said softly.

Her eyes widened.  "Oh my god," she replied.  "Where did they find him?  Do they think...?" she trailed off, looking at me carefully.

"I don't know.  I don't really know any details.  Brody is on his way down to Colorado Springs.  He and his mom are flying down to Miami in the morning.  I'm assuming I'll know more after they get some of the stuff sorted out."

"Jesus," Lauren breathed.  "Are you going down there?"

"He said he didn't want me to," I said, shrugging.  "I feel bad, because I want to do something, but I want to respect what his wishes."  She nodded.  "So I guess I'll wait for him to let me know what he needs."

"Well, let me know if there's anything you need," Lauren said. 

"I will, thanks Laur."  I hugged Lauren and headed upstairs for bed.  I felt petty for being so irritated with Lauren just a couple days ago.  Tonight I definitely appreciated being able to come home and not be alone, even if I was going to bed.  It was enough to just know that someone was there.


  1. Oh my gosh! Wow! I am speechless! Hope Brody will be ok. Losing your dad is never easy regardless of your relationship with your parenrs.

  2. �� YAY got Kendra and her husband for trying for a baby! Incredibly sad news for Brody and his family. I know there was bad blood between him and his father, but it was his father. There's unspoken amounts of love. Can't wait to read what comes next! I'd love to read a post From Brady's point of view. Thanks for another great post!

  3. Wow I feel bad for Brody.
    on a side note though I secretly hope Lauren gets pregnant, it's usually the ones so against it that when it happens they are shocked at how much they love being a mom, mostly lol

  4. This one was quite sad, hope Brody gets through it fine.
