Thursday, October 15, 2015

Author's Note: What's the Plan? (and a question for you)

Hi guys!  I, unfortunately, do not have a post for you tonight.  I will tomorrow though, and probably Saturday as well.  I just wanted to take a minute tonight to let you know the game plan for going forward.

Brody and Liv's story will wrap up next week.  Then I'll be taking a break, probably for a week.  After that, my plan is to post twice a week as much as I can.  The plan will be Kinsley's story on Mondays and Lauren's story on Fridays.

I do anticipate that there will be weeks I will only be able to post once.  When/who I post will depend largely on what I have written or feel inspired enough to knock out quickly.  My fellow bloggers will know that some posts are really easy and can be written quite quickly, and some are just plain hard, (for a variety of reasons), and a lot longer to write.

This is my plan, but we all know about the best laid plans, right?  I will, as always, keep you guys apprised of any changes to my schedule.

I also do plan to do some follow up on Cassie and Savannah, as requested quite a long time ago.  We'll also check in on Liv and Brody from time to time.

And now the (hopefully) exciting news, and the question.  I'm working on a story for a new blog.  It's going to be completely different, I think, than Liv and Brody's story.  It will be a little more real.  I think it will be more relatable for more people.  The main character is a women in her late 20s that has just gotten divorced, and will focus on how she picks up the pieces and moves on with her life.  She lives in a smaller city in Wisconsin, and she's not going to be making a big move. There will be men, there will be sex, and there will definitely be a variety of mishaps along the way, but I think that's where most of the similarities end.

My question is:  Are you guys interested in a sneak peak of this story?  I'd post it during my break between the end of Liv and Brody's story and picking back up with Lauren and Kinsley's posts.  I'm asking because I very likely will not launch the new blog until after the first of the year.  So you'd get a sneak peak, but then you'd have wait nearly 3 months for the story to actually be up and running.  It's your call, and I'll go with majority rule!

(Edited to clarify: The new blog will start after I'm done (or when I'm mostly done) with Kinsley and Lauren's stories.  It will be a completely different blog on a different site.  The sneak peak would be a single post posted here during my break between Liv's story and starting with Kinsley and Lauren.)


  1. This is not up for vote but if I could I was say skip a Savannah POV and replace it with another Lauren POV! I would love to get a preview of your new blog, but idk if I can wait three months to get to start reading! I think you should wait until a little closer to the start of the new blog.

  2. I think with Lauren, Kinsley and the occasional Liv POV, a new story will be wayyy too much going on. It would be better to just post it next year when you're ready to start the story

    1. Just to clarify, it would only be one sneak peak post during my break week. That may not change your mind (and that's okay!), but I don't want anyone to be confused.

  3. Your plan sounds great. I can't wait to see how everything goes with Liv and Brody, and then to hear more from Kinsley and Lauren.

    I would be interested in reading a preview of a new story. Being a WI girl, I like that some of your characters are from WI.

  4. I love your writing, and will happily read anything you write.

    But like someone else mentioned, another new blog in addition to the Lauren and Kinsley posts seem like quite a schedule. Maybe you should take one at a time, because I've seen fictional blogs die out from being spread too thin.

    In any case, I plan to read along as long as you keep writing!

    1. I just edited because I don't think I made a lot of sense. The new blog will start either after I wrap up Kinsley and Lauren's stories, or close to the end. I only anticipate writing about Lauren and Kinsley for a few months.

  5. I'd love to see a new blog post but three months is a long time. You might have more followers move to the new blog if you post it closer to the new year. But if it's already written, I'd love to read it!

  6. Of course!! I'd love a sneak peak! Who doesn't like sneak peaks?! ;)

  7. I think getting a sneak peak would be awesome!! That way you can get some feedback on the storyline and can adjust it (if you wanted). So looking forward to reading all you write! haha

  8. Thanks for always keeping us posted on your posting schedule. I think we can all agree that as readers we really appreciate the consideration. You're awesome. And sure, I'd like a sneak peek!
