Monday, September 8, 2014

A Well-Timed Visit From Home

If you missed yesterday's bonus post, you can find it here .  Enjoy!  

The two new people that we had hired were ready to get started finally, and I was excited to start my group up again.  I had a meeting with Jeremy on Thursday morning to discuss specifics and plans.  At lunch, I invited the new staff out for lunch with Charlotte and me.  We got to know them a little better, and so far I really like them both.

At happy hour, I told Kinsley about seeing James at the gym.  "You should totally go out with him," she said.

"You should," Lauren agreed.

"Yeah, you guys also advised me to have rebound sex with Dave.  I'm not taking your advice anymore.  And anyway, he's at least 33, but probably older.  That's a little older than anyone I was ever planning on dating."

"So picky," Kinsley said, shaking her head.  "Do you not think he's gorgeous?"

I was about to answer when Lauren broke in.  "She does.  He's completely her type.  She's making excuses."

"Yeah, well, my 'type' has not always worked out well for me, has it?" I retorted.

"That's true," Lauren admitted.

Kinsley shrugged.  "It's okay if you don't want to date because of your feelings for Brody.  Just say that."  I glared at her.  I did not want to talk about Brody right now.  "Or, that look works too," she said quickly, changing the subject. 

Savannah had been absent from the past couple happy hours, and I can't say it broke my heart.  I was a little curious what she was up to and why she wasn't there, though.  Probably had no reason to hang out with a bunch of people that hate her now that Brody was gone.  Fine with me!

I went home early because in the morning, Lynn, my best friend from home, was flying in from Wisconsin.  I was so excited to spend the weekend with her, and the timing couldn't be better.  I had taken Friday and Monday off, and was excited for the long weekend.

In the morning, I drove to the airport.  On the way, I had a flashback of driving here to pick Brody up the night he told me he was moving to Miami.  I pushed it out of my mind, because I was going to get Lynn.  I parked in short term parking and walked in to the baggage claim area.  I saw her right away and ran to her, launching myself at her.  She grabbed me and squealed like a teenager and we hugged for a long time.

"What do you want to do?" I asked her as we walked back to my car.

"Everything!" she exclaimed.  "I'm so excited.  I want to go hiking and I want to go out and I want to sit on the couch and drink wine and eat pizza and do nothing!"

I laughed.  "I think all those things can be arranged."

And we did all those things.  Lauren was excited to see her again (we had all been friends in high school, though Lauren and Lynn didn't stay in touch for long after Lauren moved to Colorado) and Kinsley loved her, and delighted in feeding her alcohol when we went out.  That's how she shows her love.  I took her to all my favorite places to eat, and we went for a 7 mile hike on Sunday.  I couldn't help but think that she should be meeting Brody.  Why could I not stop thinking about him, no matter what I was doing?

I filled her in on the Brody situation, and she was appropriately sympathetic.  I also told her about James.

"Well, put me on Lauren and Kinsley's bench, because I think you should go out with him too," Lynn said, matter-of-factly.  

"Not you too," I groaned.  "Lynnie, I thought you'd be on my side."  I pouted at her.

"You thought wrong!" she retorted.  "Brody sounds really great and all, but you guys weren't dating for that long.  You'll feel better getting back out there.  Even if you only go on one date with this guy and never see him again, at least you gave it a shot."

"I don't want to give it a shot," I grumbled, flopping against the arm of the chair I was sitting in.  "I want Brody to come back."

Lynn threw up her hands in exasperation.  "Well, pouting like a child won't make him come back, and it's not a good look on you."  I looked at her in surprise.  Normally Lauren was my tough-love friend.  Lynn was generally on my side, though she was always honest and feisty.  This was not the type of response I was expecting from her at all.  

"That was way harsh, Tai," I said, hoping that quoting Clueless would get us off this subject, which was now making me uncomfortable and a little sad.  Luckily, Lynn took the hint and moved on. 

When I brought Lynn back to the airport on Monday morning, I got teary as I hugged her.  "When are you coming home to visit?" she asked me, sniffling.

"I'll come for Christmas," I said.  "I'm going to take a week off, I think."

"That's so far away," she replied, pouting.

"I know!" I wailed, hugging her again.  I finally let her go, and waved as she walked through the security gate.  I drove home, glad that we had such a great weekend, but sad that I wouldn't see her again for four months.

As I drove, my phone rang.  I answered without looking, and was surprised to hear Brody's voice on the other end.

"Liv, I...wasn't expecting you to answer," he said.  "But I'm glad you did," he added hurriedly, when I didn't respond.

"Hi, Brody.  I'm actually driving right now, can I call you back when I get home?" I asked, ignoring his awkward greeting.

"I'm between meetings.  I only have about 10 minutes.  Can I call you tonight?" he asked, hopefully.

I paused.  Did I really want that?  I did, though.  "Yes, call me tonight."

I did laundry and cleaned, then headed to the gym.  By the time I was home and showered, it was almost 9 pm, and Brody hadn't called back.  It would be nearly 11 in Miami.  Well whatever,  I wasn't going to call him.  I got ready for bed and was reading when my phone finally rang.  I looked at my clock.  10:16.  After midnight in Miami.  I answered.

"Hey.  I'm sorry it's so late.  I got stuck at work and then I needed to blow off some steam at the gym."

"It's okay," I said awkwardly.

"Savannah called me," he said, rather suddenly.

"Oh," I responded.  What the heck was I supposed to say to that?

"I just wanted to tell you so you didn't find out from her.  I didn't have her number in my phone, so I answered.  I wouldn't have if I'd have known, I didn't want to talk to her.  Anyway, we talked for all of 2 minutes, but I wanted to tell you before she said something about it."

"Thanks," I said in response.

When he spoke again, he sounded sad.  "Liv, This sucks.  I miss you.  I hate not talking.  I hate that you've said 4 or 5 words to me since you answered the phone."

"It does suck," I agreed softly.  "I miss you too.  I just...I don't know how to talk to you right now."

"It doesn't have to be weird," he protested.  "We can just talk, like we normally would." 

"It's not that easy for me, Brody.  I don't know if I can just talk to you.  I'm sorry.  I want to talk to you, so much, but it's hard when I don't know what's going to happen."

"I know," he said, quietly.

"I--I have to go," I stammered.

"Okay," he said sadly.  "Goodnight Olivia."  I said goodnight and hung up.  I hated talking to him.  It felt weird, and it made me miss him so much more.  The awkwardness made me wonder if we could ever get back what we had if he came back. 


  1. What's the new Under Armour campaign slogan? We Will What We Want. If she wants Brody, she'd better let him know that. If we don't put ourselves out there, we miss the best stuff.

  2. If she wants him back... Get on a plane and make an effort instead of whining!

    1. I think Liv feels like she wasn't really given the option to be with him right now. I think that makes it a little harder to do something about it, though it would make for an interesting experience! Thanks for your comment :)

  3. I agree! Hop on a plane and go see him! As least see if it'll give you some closure! (But hopefully lead to more!)

  4. I agree! Go surprise him!

  5. Yeah if they decided to continue seeing each other they could talk and maybe she could go visit then in 60 days (which sounds like maybe couple weeks over already) then they could see if he is staying or coming back. I get that it's hard to commit to something so new and wasn't even official yet but when you find something good hold on to it and see what happens. He is more likely to come back if they keep in touch. If she keeps pushing him away why not stay in Miami

  6. Brody seems really busy, even if Olivia did go and see him, he might be too busy to spend much time with her.
