Sunday, September 7, 2014

Nice Bumping Into You

Guess what?  We've hit 75,000 views, and I'm celebrating with a bonus post this week :)  I'm posting this one now, and I'll post tomorrow morning too.  These two posts, plus Wednesday's post at the normal time, will be on the main storyline, and on Friday you'll have the first part of Lauren's story.  Thank you guys so so much for reading and commenting and giving thoughts and feedback.  I love to hear your theories and feelings on the events.  When I started this blog, I thought I'd just be doing a little writing for fun, for me, but you guys have really helped me bring the story to life and I'm totally writing for you all too now!  

Two more weeks passed.  I thought about Brody almost every day, but I didn't try to call him again.  He called me once, but I didn't answer or call him back.  He didn't try again.

Lauren, Kendra, Kinsley, Cassie, and I had an uneventful girls' night a week after the fateful rebound sex attempt.  I regaled them with a dramatic retelling of it, and most people just left the obnoxious drunk girls alone.

The place we went for the next Thursday's happy hour was packed.  We were standing around a small high top table near the bar when someone smacked into me from behind.  My drink flew out of my hand and crashed against the base of the table.  The glass cracked into several pieces, and ice and liquid went flying.  I whirled around, ready to be bitchy to whatever drunk girl had just slammed into me, and found myself staring at a man's chest.  I looked up, and quickly forgot what I was going to say.  His dark hair was cut short, and his hazel eyes were surprised.

"I am so sorry," he said, touching my arm.  "Are you okay?  I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going.  Here, let me buy you a new drink."  We moved out of the way of the waitress that had witnessed the crash and had come with a mop and broom to clean up the mess. 

"I'm fine," I responded.  "Thanks, but it was almost gone anyway, don't worry about it."

He gave me an easy, confident smile.  "No way.  Come on."  Without giving me a chance to speak, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up to the bar.  When we got there, I was clearly not getting out of the situation without letting him buy me a drink.  I ordered another 7&7, glad I was taking a cab home.

"My name is James," he said, turning to me and offering me his hand. 

I shook it.  "Olivia.  Nice to meet you, James."

"I can't say I've ever ended up buying a pretty girl a drink after body slamming her before," he joked, flashing that smile again.  God, he was hot.

"It's a first for me too, actually," I agreed, smiling back.  The bartender came over with my drink, and James paid.  "Thank you," I said.

"You're welcome.  Thank you for not freaking out about it.  I really am sorry."

We walked back to the table, and I found that the people he was there with had joined the group I was there with.  "Well, I guess I'm sticking around for awhile," he said, surveying the large group.

Our two groups merged almost seamlessly, and we spent the next two hours talking and laughing.  I finally realized it was after 9.  "I have to go," I said to Lauren.   She shifted her eyes to James behind me and raised an eyebrow.  I shook my head.  "Bye," I said to the group.

"Wait, I'll walk you out," James said.  I groaned inwardly.  He was attractive and he seemed nice, but I wasn't going to play this game again.  He walked me out and stood with me at the curb while I waited for a cab.

"I'm glad I bumped into you," he said, chuckling.  His laugh died down and he turned serious eyes on me.  "Can I see you again?"  At least he didn't ask me to go home with him.

"I appreciate the drink, and I had fun talking to you, but I'm just...not in a good place to date right now, I'm sorry," I said, not able to meet his eyes until the end.

"Ah, I see," he responded, looking disappointed.  "Well, if you change your mind, give me a call."  He took a card out of his wallet and handed it to me.   I took it and smiled.

"I will.  Thank you again."

A cab had pulled up to the curb, and he stepped forward and opened the door for me.  "You're welcome.  Goodnight, Olivia."  He kissed me quickly on the cheek, then shut the cab door.

On Friday night, Cassie was over, and I was filling her in on the events of the night before.  "Did you Google him?" Cassie asked.

"What?  No!  Why would I?  I'm not going out with him."

"So what?  Google him anyway.  Here, give me the card."  She held out her hand.  She grabbed my laptop and pulled up Google.  "Dennison Security and Investigation, huh?  I wonder what that is."  She typed it into Google and clicked on the first result.  "Private security consultants blah blah blah," she read, "Personal and employment investigations and background checks blah blah blah...oh hey!  Our Staff."  She clicked on the tab.  "Is this him?"

I turned the screen.  "Yup, James Dennison," I confirmed.

"He is hot, holy shit!" she exclaimed. 

"Look," I said, ignoring her outburst and pointing at the screen, "he graduated from college in 2003.  Assuming he actually graduated in 4 years and went right after high school, he is 33 or 34 at the youngest."

"So?  That's only 7 or 8 years older than you.  That's not a big deal," she retorted.

"Doesn't matter, I'm not dating him."

"You are seriously impossible," she huffed.  But she dropped it.

On Tuesday, I was supposed to meet Kinsley at the gym, but she texted me at lunch that she wasn't feeling well.  I decided to go to the location that was closer to work instead of the one by my house.  I was happy to see the free weights section was almost empty and I walked over.  Lifting weights was typically my workout of choice.  I went through my workout quickly, focusing on lower body.  I was pulling the clips off the end of the bar on the squat rack to re-rack my plates when I heard a vaguely familiar voice behind me.

"I would not ever have guessed that a girl your size could squat that much."

I turned, and saw James leaning against the wall.  "Oh, hi," I said, surprised.  "Lifting heavy things is my favorite stress reliever."

"I can tell," he said, nodding to the plates I was hauling off the bar.  I was glad he had enough sense not to help me.  "I didn't know you work out here.  I feel like I would have remembered someone as pretty as you being here."

I ignored his compliment and explained that I usually went to another location of the gym.

"That explains it," he said with a nod.  After a pause he grinned and asked, "So, have you reconsidered that date?"

"Um..." I said, not sure what to say.  "I really just can't right now."

"Well, we don't have to go now.  We could go tomorrow, or even this weekend."  I raised my eyebrows.  What a cocky bastard.  Unfortunately, cocky bastard has always been my type.

"Nice try," I replied.  "I have to get going.  It was good to see you again."  I smiled and turned, walking towards the locker room.  Note to self: do not go to this gym again, unless you want to end up on a date with this guy.


  1. He's not going away so easily. I like it, good post!

  2. I like it however... I would also like to fast forward to when Brady gets back and they live happily ever after because I love Brady....

    1. Ha! I feel like you and Liv would get along well ;) Thanks for reading!

  3. I'm kinda on the fence about the new guy... I get why she don't want to date him... but then she don't answer Brady's call either, and she originally reached out to him.

    Looking forward to reading where this goes!

  4. I hope that she goes on a date with him. I agree with her friends, she needs some rebound sex. Buuuut, I do LOVE brody. I'm torn. Ha.
